This is to advise you that you are using copyrighted and protected material on your blog. Your illegal use of my articles at: is originally from my blog at This is original content and I am the author and copyright holder. Use of copyright protected material without permission is illegal under copyright laws.
Please take one or more of the following actions immediately:
• Re-write the post to include excerpts with a link to the original content. • Provide compensation for use of my copyright protected material of up to $100,000 • Remove the plagiarized material immediately.
I expect a response within 5 days to this issue. Thank you for your immediate action on this matter.
This is to advise you that you are using copyrighted and protected material on your blog. Your illegal use of my articles at: is originally from my blog at This is original content and I am the author and copyright holder. Use of copyright protected material without permission is illegal under copyright laws.
Please take one or more of the following actions immediately:
• Re-write the post to include excerpts with a link to the original content.
• Provide compensation for use of my copyright protected material of up to $100,000
• Remove the plagiarized material immediately.
I expect a response within 5 days to this issue. Thank you for your immediate action on this matter.
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