Free Company Email ID's

Step by step procedure to create company emails ID's

  1. Go to gmail account
  2. Click on manager your google account
  3. Click on security tab
  4. enable 2 step verification
  5. Go to apps
  6. Select others in drop down menu
  7. add a personalised name for your company email 
  8. Click next to generate a code (save the code in text file)
  9. Go to the website improv mx com
  10. Add domain name & email id
  11. It will show mx records and text file records to be added 
  12. Go to Domain name provider website
  13. click on dns records
  14. add the mx records (2 nos.) in the fields with priority values 10 and 20 respectively
  15. add txt records
  16. Click save
  17. Check the status in the website improv mx and wait till it turns active.(the status must show "Email forwarding active" )
  18. now send an email to the newly created company email id 
  19. The email gets delivered instantly
  20. at this stage you cannot reply to the email using the compnay email id. for that please follow procedure as below
  21. click on the settings (gear icon) in gmail as show in the image below:
  22. click on Accounts and imports
  23. Click on Add another email address
  24. Add name and email id as shown in the figure
  25. Clcik on next step
  26. Add the following details

    SMTP Server:
    Username: (as per gmail)
    Password: (as per gmail)
    click on add next
  27. Send a replay email from the company email id
If you have any queries email me

Changing of IP Address of Moodle Server

When the IP address of  the  Moodle Server is changed the Moodle portal will not work. Hence it is required to change the ip address in the config.php file. the path by default will be

in your main Moodle directory.Server/Moodle:

The line you need to change begins with:

C:/>wwwroot Moodle Server